Kuaihu - Mandarin Learning App

Kuaihu - Mandarin Learning App


Kuaihu is a Chinese language learning app built in React Native, targeting proficiency in Mandarin for the HSK exam. Key features include an interactive tone recognition test to master pronunciation, comprehensive study of HSK vocabulary across all levels, practicing Chinese calligraphy with the Hanzi drawing feature, and an integrated offline dictionary for searching definitions, exploring usage examples, listening to correct pronunciations, and even drawing characters.


🗣️ Voice Recognition:

Mastering tones is one of the greatest challenges in learning Chinese. That's why Kuaihu includes an interactive tone test to help you differentiate and reproduce them correctly.

🎯 Vocabulary:

Comprehensive study of all vocabulary, across all levels of the HSK (Chinese Proficiency Exam).

✍️ Chinese Character Writing:

Explore the beauty of Chinese calligraphy with the Hanzi drawing feature. Practice writing characters directly on your device's screen and enhance your skills.

🔍 Integrated Dictionary:

The app also features an offline-accessible dictionary. Search for definitions, explore usage examples, listen to correct pronunciations, and even draw characters.

Link to Playstore